2010美国综艺《蔬菜宝宝》剧情;After years of being seen via VHS and DVD, Bob the Tomato, Larry the Cucumber, and their friends come toTV.Every week Bob invites us to his house where he and the gang answer letters from kids and help them with their problems using their fun and sometimes wacky stories蔬菜宝宝经典影评; 导演掌控力很好,群戏很有分寸但信息量巨大,对话又都点到为止,非常“英国”,这部算是庄园/贵族类电影的集大成者摆着救赎的架势,来了场复仇电影主题表达的不错,情节也凑合,就是有些电影细节太过幼稚