2018意大利电影《两位妈妈》剧情;MAMMA MAMMA is the story of two women who love each other and of their desire to have a child together. Karole and Ali still don't know that the enthusiasm of this first attempt will be followed by many vicissitudes, but when the desire becomes stronger than the pain and fatigue, miracles can happen两位妈妈经典影评; 几处梦与现实的交叠令人印象深刻,青春片大多无收尾结局,青春根本就没有句号吧看了20分钟后,我知道为啥这剧不行了,片段都很好,但是没有逻辑呀,不连贯呀,这是写论文大忌呀(最近写毕业论文疯魔了)为什么占据女主的男朋友,就不止六小时了,又是做爱,又是早餐,又是电影的?另外他们做爱时如果有孩子是谁的?