2017美国电影《未来玩具》剧情;A group of middle school kids stumble upon a chest full of incredible toys from the future. The discovery takes them on an adventure using their newfound toys to save their neighborhood and ultimately the world from a maniacal corporate madman. In the process, these loser kids learn they have the qualities they thought they were lacking all along.未来玩具经典影评; 失而复得的反转倒是惯常的结局,当皮埃尔坐车离去,流浪汉依旧坚称他明天会回来,这是约定好的事情黑泽明的《七武士》《用心棒》在于刻画一种贫穷时代浪漫的英雄主义,《切腹》则是在现实的筛糠中抖落出的最后的武士尊严三个段落各有各的好,而尤其中间那个影像的片段设计独特,信息量巨大得让人目不暇接,密集的信息就像我们现在熟悉的片段化阅读一样,仿佛特别有道理,但是又是浮光掠影,和后面有理有据的最后辩论形成了很有趣的对比,真实与网络的区别