2013美国电影《美狄亚斯》剧情; Medeas is a daring and lyrical exploration of alienation and desperation through the intimate observation of a family's inner lives and their relationship to each other and their environment. Without moral judgment, it probes the boundaries of human behavior and the lengths to which people can be driven for love and self-preservation美狄亚斯经典影评; 大卫的眼睛太美太单纯了,如果这样的眼睛开始流泪我是无法抵抗的御姐、LOLI心里都住着一个糙汉子电影的明线暗线很多,但受制于题材还是略显平淡,讲述青春迷茫的电影不是我的菜,没法打更高分了