1996法国电影《柏油探戈》剧情;A seasoned woman from the world of show business, recruits 11 Romanian dancers dreaming of fame and glory to take them to Paris. One of them decides to leave her husband, but he doesn't take it very well and starts on a journey to get back his wife and plenty of hilarious things happen along the way.柏油探戈经典影评; 1.同样是飞翔的荷兰人号的船长,威尔·特纳就打扮的很正常,戴维·琼斯为啥非要顶着个章鱼脑袋2.伊丽莎白准备跟杰克来一个告别之吻,杰克赶忙拒绝,上一季死亡之吻的后劲太大3.这一季的巴博萨挺招人喜欢的,稳稳掌舵,英勇战斗,顺便还给人证个婚4.伊丽莎白跟威尔的结婚仪式太盛大了,刀与剑的碰撞声是婚礼进行曲,海盗王是婚礼嘉宾,与海军的战斗是调节气氛的小游戏 第一次看波兰电影真是三个女人一台戏呀~~~适合女人看的片子台词翻译的很牛搞笑 悬疑看的是TV版的衍生剧鞍马兰子篇,真是烂到家了